
Another post? I must be a sucker for punishment.

The Month of Mail is over, I've been allowed to read what I want since Monday. Unfortunately I appear to have decided that I want to, at time, continue to read the Mail. Only from a purely 'interested' position, I'm not making it my daily paper.

I've been promising a 'debrief' all week, I'll get to it, but this week hasn't been great work-wise, and sometimes, things just get in the way. Tomorrow, or Sunday. Don't hold your breath!

From my privileged position where I can now pick up any paper, read any blog, listen to any radio station (it is AMAZING!) I've been thinking about similarities and differences between different news outlets. By this I mean The Daily Mail, and The Guardian.

Here we begin with the printer cartridge bomb plot. The thing that I'm interested about is the difference between what the Mail has to say about it, and what the Mail has to say about it.

Lets begin with the article concerning this from the Guardian:

This article, from yesterday (4th) says the idea that the bomb being diffused with only 17 minutes before detonating was 'disputed'.

But what does the Mail say:

Oh, It was 'ready to explode'... This article was last updated this morning. Over twelve hours after the 'fact' was disputed. But you know, sometimes the facts are buried in a Mail article

Nope, sticking with it.

M. Hortefeux's statements in both articles were 'not elaborated'. However, for the Mail that is enough to be true, while for the Guardian there is a level of doubt in the statement.

Part 2... Poppies!

Oh Marina, a little close to agreeing with Jan Moir! Just an observation...

and finally one STUPID observation from Littlejohn, and a tasteful story from the Mail

I don't think that I need to elaborate.

Come back tomorrow (or Sunday) for a debrief!
